OSCAR Examples

This page contains example notebooks from the OSCAR project.

Clicking on the example will open a static version of the example, powered by nbviewer.

How to interact with a "live" version It is possible from the notebook page to download it and run it locally:
  • open the context menu (via right-click on Linux and Windows, or ctrl-click on macOS) on the download icon of the notebook (in the upper right corner), which will allow you to save the notebook file (say Singular.ipynb) in a directory of your choice (say ~/Documents);
  • make sure that you have the Oscar package installed (cf. the installation page); in some cases, you migth have to also install explicitly one of its subpackages, for example Singular (this is accomplished by running using Pkg; Pkg.add("Singular")) in a Julia REPL;
  • install IJulia if it is not already installed (typically by running using Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia") at the Julia REPL, cf. installation instructions), and launch it (typically by running using IJulia; notebook());
  • you should by now have landed on a page in your web browser, with "jupyter" written in the upper left corner; below is a file explorer: open the notebook file (e.g. browse to ~/Documents and click on Singular.ipynb); you might see a pop-up with the message "Kernel not found", in which case just select the Jupyter kernel you installed (e.g. "Julia 1.4.1") in the drop-down menu.

Click on one of the links below to filter notebooks (and re-click to disable filtering).